Updated 3/26/2017
By Marcial Bonifacio
My friends and countrymen, ever since Rodrigo Duterte entered the presidential race in 2016, some of his most fervent supporters, including some of my esteemed colleagues, have held him with such high regard tantamount even to their high regard for Sen. Richard Gordon. In fact, many voted for both public servants believing they would be an ideal tandem, one for president and the other for senator. Many of our citizens who voted for Duterte in the 2016 presidential election are the same ones who voted for Gordon in his 2010 presidential race.
Perhaps such electoral behavior is due to the perception that they both are “no-nonsense,” maverick leaders, who “think outside the box.” Hence, it is indubitable that they would govern similarly, if not identically. However, such a conclusion has little basis in fact, considering their views, policies, and overall knowledge differ drastically. Please allow me to illustrate.
Anti-Drug Policy
On the issue of the drug epidemic, Duterte seems content in executing his plans by literally executing people---drug lords and addicts---just as he did as mayor of Davao City. He has even encouraged civilians to follow his lead, whereby he would give them a medal or cash in return. “If you know of any addict,” stated Duterte, “go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.” Duterte has reiterated to the PNP (Philippine National Police) that he would take the fall for any policeman prosecuted for “doing his duty,” even to the point of incarceration.
Gordon, on the other hand, has a comprehensive approach to the drug problem. For instance, since China has failed to effectively enforce its anti-drug smuggling laws, he suggests they be condemned. “We should shame China,” advises Gordon, “They’re not only taking our land. They’re also bringing in drugs to our country.” He urges the Foreign Affairs Department to “launch a strong protest” against the imperial power.
Additionally, Gordon proposes that schools provide highly trained guidance counselors and facilitate active Parents-Teachers Associations in order to detect and prevent potential drug addicts. He supports the establishment of village watch groups that would coordinate with the police and has been proven to be effective in Olongapo City under his mayorship. Gordon also proposes establishing police courts for handling drug-related crime and extrajudicial killing cases and body cameras for the police to promote transparency.
Upon the event of extrajudicial killings, he proposes the immediate suspension or dismissal of all policemen involved, just as he initiated as mayor. I might add that as an infrastructure project and extra border security, the Philippines can emulate American Pres. Donald Trump’s proposal of erecting a “wall” for which China will pay, but I digress. 🙂
American Foreign Policy
Although Duterte has given mixed signals about his position on America and so-called “independent foreign policy” with other countries, his numerous rants and actions indicate he is, indeed, anti-American. For example, Duterte prompted the Supreme Court to deliberate on the constitutionality of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), in spite of its benefit to RP. He said that 2016 would be the last year the Philippines would participate in joint military patrols and exercises with the U.S., although he recently requested China’s assistance in sea patrolling as a pre-emptive measure against piracy. Duterte has constantly condemned the U.S. for the atrocities of the Bud Dajo Massacre in 1906, prompting former Pres. Fidel Ramos to characterize such anti-colonial thinking as “20th-century thinking” from which we must detach ourselves.
Furthermore, Duterte has shifted RP’s arms supply source from the U.S. to Russia and China, in spite of what political scientist Richard Heydarian addresses as “problems with configuration” in which it could take “years for the Philippines’ army to reorient itself with new technology.”
He did all this in spite of the 70-year alliance in which the Americans fought alongside our countrymen against the Japanese imperialists during World War II, invested billions of dollars in private capital (much of it accounting for a booming BPO industry), defended RP’s right to use arbitration for maritime disputes in the West Philippine Sea, and has provided foreign aid in the form of disaster relief goods and services and military equipment and training against Islamic terrorists.
I have yet to mention the billions of dollars of remittances from American OFWs (which comprise approximately 43% of total remittances). Does this sound like Duterte merely seeks an independent foreign policy, or does this manifest his entrenched animosity towards the U.S.?
Gordon, on the other hand, has consistently supported the U.S. as early as his Olongapo mayorship. He vehemently defended the U.S. Bases Treaty in 1991 as well as EDCA. In an interview during his 2013 senatorial run, when asked if he supported EDCA, he responded, “EDCA, yeah. Our air force is all air and no force.” More recently, Gordon pointed out that “Japan and South Korea have used the US military bases there as their defense umbrella, while they funneled resources to rebuild their ravaged economy to build up their society to first world status” and that RP “must do the same.”
Panatag Shoal
On the issue of Panatag Shoal, a Pulse Asia survey (taken Dec. 6-11, 2016) shows that 84% of its participants want the government to uphold the ruling of the Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), favoring RP’s claim and invalidating China’s nine-dash line as contrary to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Perhaps that is why many cheered at Duterte’s proclamation that he would jet ski all the way to the disputed territory on which he would plant the Philippine flag. However, since he has forged an alliance with imperial China, he has refrained from discussing the matter with them. Instead they discussed trade deals, financial aid, and arms supplies.
Though Philippine fishermen are now able to return due to China’s permission---not its acknowledgement of the PCA ruling, which Rep. Tomasito Villarin says will “subject us to international ridicule”---RP appears to be China’s lapdog. How ironic considering Duterte, in condemnation of America, clearly stated, “I am not a tuta (lapdog) of any country!” Even more perplexing is that about 55% of our countrymen have “little trust” in China, according to an SWS poll. Indeed, Duterte has not only contradicted himself and thwarted the will of the people, he has defied all conventional logic by shifting loyalty from an old, reliable ally---sharing similar ideals and aspects of civil liberties, human rights, democracy, and military culture--- to a hegemonic, dubious foe---sharing no such ideals or cultural facets.
The U.S. has already hinted that it will make preparations to block China, if it continues militarizing Panatag Shoal. However, Duterte still refuses to collaborate in defending RP’s legal claim. Gordon called such neglect of the PCA’s ruling “dangerous because anytime you have a claim, you must assert it,” and “if China steps on Scarborough Shoals, that is a red line and we’ll have to fight.” He also agrees with Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio that, “if Duterte concedes sovereignty, it is a culpable violation of the Constitution, a ground for impeachment.”
With such a serious charge pending, what could be the rationale for such illogical behavior? Is Duterte simply focused on the economic bounty RP will derive from China in exchange for Panatag Shoal? Perhaps I can appropriately adapt Mark 8:36 as “For what shall it profit a nation to gain the whole spectrum of prosperity (in banana exportation, increased tourism, financial aid for infrastructure, and foreign direct investments) but lose its own sovereignty?”
Death Penalty
On the death penalty, Duterte seeks to reimpose it. Gordon opposes it on the grounds that it violates international conventions to which RP has agreed and the risk of mistaken identity. In fact, the Free Legal Assistance Group conducted a research study in 2004, which revealed that “71 percent of death sentences handed down by trial courts were wrongfully imposed.” The same study also showed that “70 percent of the 1,021 inmates on death row earned less than P10,000,” essentially indicating the death penalty to be anti-poor.
Political Economy
On the economy, Duterte styles himself a “socialist” and the “first left president of the Philippines.” As I pointed out in my commentary titled “My Concerns about a Duterte Presidency,” Duterte has been sympathetic to the communists and has offered them Cabinet positions in his administration. While it is uncertain whether or not he himself is a communist---especially since he recently rebranded the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) as a “terrorist group” and declared an “all out war” against them after breaking a ceasefire---he has not replaced his appointees, three of whom are from the National Democratic Front (NDF) and one (Leonicio Evasco Jr) of whom is from the New People’s Army (NPA) and currently supervises 18 Cabinet agencies.
There are various theories from renowned commentators on the matter, and I am open to any and all of them without a firm conviction as of yet. For example, many people think that Duterte has appointed communists to his Cabinet in an effort to make peace after 50 years of enmity. Perhaps, but following that logic, should he not also include members of the Abu Sayyaf, ISIS, and Maute terrorist groups, since they are equal adversaries of the state?
Some think that since the founding chairman of the CPP, Jose Sison, was Duterte’s close friend and political science professor at the Lyceum of the Philippines, they are simpatico in their vision of a communist RP. Others, like political columnist Francisco Tatad, speculate a grand scheme is at play in which Evasco is behind the peace talks of the CPP, NPA, and NDF for the “eventual communization of the Philippine government.”
However, some even believe that the current war on the NPA establishes a predicate for Duterte to declare martial law, since the communist movement can be construed as a rebellion, especially since they recently broke the ceasefire by killing some AFP members. That may explain why he has visited various military camps throughout RP in order to garner support for such a drastic measure.
In spite of Duterte’s dubious intentions and association with communists, Gordon’s economic platform is pro-growth and pro-free trade. His legislation proposals include lowering taxes, increasing savings and investments, and enabling entrepreneurs to be more competitive with big corporations for government contracts. Gordon has frequently condemned government handouts as merely a Band-Aid solution to a deeper problem, which he says will only perpetuate “the attitude of mendicancy among our people” as has been the case “over the last four centuries or so.”
In speech, Duterte is impulsively forthright, vulgar, and excessively foul-mouthed. Indeed, such ostensibly undiplomatic verbiage has had national and international repercussions that have been adverse and the subject of universal media scrutiny. Although a few of his spokesmen have publicly dismissed Duterte’s crude remarks as mere hyperbole or public misperception, “perception can be more damaging than reality” as Gordon pointed out.
On Duterte’s offensive remarks, Gordon insists “we have to protect the country from bad statements, and the President has the duty to be a statesman.” As for his most frequently used expletive, Gordon suggests Duterte “not be heard saying all bad words” lest RP’s new tourism slogan be “Welcome to the PI” or “Wow PI.” Even Donald Trump has displayed more oratorical discipline, since his election as president to the astonishment of many, including myself.
In contrast to Duterte’s unrefined oratory, Gordon’s is forthright but professional, eloquent, and with scholarship---in a word, most presidential. View the following speech in which he presents his perspective on reopening the senatorial probe into the alleged Davao Death Squad with new testimony from Senior Police Officer 3 Arthur Lascañas. Observe his diplomacy in articulating his disagreement with some of his senatorial colleagues. Was he effective in conveying his points without using expletives?
Public Service
Although Duterte’s public service and patriotic achievements (as prosecutor and 22-year mayor) cannot be denied due credit, they were largely confined to Davao City and its residents. However, as president, I must at least credit him for persuading more than 700,000 drug-related criminals to surrender themselves to the proper authorities. However, it can be disputed that the drug epidemic is simply the symptom or consequence of the more profound problems of psychological instability, poverty, and corruption, and should thus not be considered such an impactful achievement for the country as a whole.
After all, a liberal measure of the number of drug users is calculated to be a mere 4.74%, which is below the global average of 5.2%. Meanwhile, the Asian Development Bank rates the poverty level at a whopping 25%. Should not the “war on poverty” be prioritized over the “war on drugs”? Would it not be more laudable, if Duterte contributed more to job creation, expanding the tax base, and creating prosperity---which could decrease drug abuse---not to mention would have preserved the lives of the 7,000 killed suspects in the drug war?
Gordon’s public service is far more diverse and has profoundly impacted the entire country. For example, he was a delegate to the 1971 Constitutional Convention, authored the Automated Elections Law as a senator, and has helped save the countless lives of natural disaster victims as a Red Cross volunteer for nearly 50 years. Hence, while Duterte may have contributed to the safety and prosperity of Davao City, Gordon was instrumental in framing the supreme law of our country, modernizing and automating the electoral process in order to curb voter fraud, and helping create prosperity for the whole Philippines in the tourism industry.
By now, it should be ostensible that Duterte and Gordon would govern very differently because they are very different public servants with different views on different issues, some of which are in direct contradiction. If the name, “Digong,” were partially covered in such a way that only the first two letters, “Di,” could be seen, it may be innocently misconstrued as “Dick.” However, such an error could easily be prevented by simply viewing all the alphabetical letters as a whole, just as we should examine all our public servants in their totality before electing them into office.
In conclusion, friends and countrymen, I submit that Rodrigo Duterte may be the first Mindanaon president of the Philippines, a former prosecutor and 22-year Davao City mayor, whose voice mesmerizes his admirers and strikes fear into the hearts of drug lords. He may even be a maverick with drastic policy proposals and changes, which contradict conventional norms and even tradition. Perhaps Duterte has a genuinely pure heart, good intentions, and is very passionate about our country as well as our countrymen. Indeed, Digong may be a hero to many people, but he is certainly no Dick . . . Dick Gordon, that is.
Comments from the group: Asian Alliance against China.
Rohellio Zoryaga They are not the same in terms of foreign relation.
Like · Reply · March 7 at 9:42pm
Marcial Bonifacio They are scarcely the same in domestic or foreign policy. As I pointed out sa paliwanag ko, they differ on key issues, halimbawa, the drug war, death penalty, American foreign policy, Panatag Shoal, etc.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 6:15pm
Ashz Ashzl Yes both of them are a sissy dick
Like· Reply · March 8 at 12:23am
Marcial Bonifacio How is Gordon, Ashz?
Like· Reply · March 8 at 6:23pm · Edited
Ashz Ashzl Just ch3ck ur balls and compare it to gordon you'll get what i mean.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:36pm · Edited
Marcial Bonifacio Please give me facts, Ashz.
Like· Reply · March 10 at 3:42pm · Edited
Josephus Ramos What's the comparison for? i can only see the two side of the two china and the US...
Like· Reply · March 8 at 7:17pm
Marcial Bonifacio The comparison shows the difference between Gordon and Duterte in general and in their approach to China in particular. While the former would stand up to them, the latter has sacrificed our sovereignty to them, Josephus, which is an impeachable offense.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 8:58pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna Our people...deserve better leaders. May the Good Lord give us leaders that truly care for the welfare of the people, instead of their own..families, clans...and bank accounts. Tsk tsk tsk
Like· Reply · March 8 at 7:59pm · Edited
Marcial Bonifacio That leader would be Sen. Dick Gordon. He may very well be our next president.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 9:00pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna Perhaps, that remains to be seen.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 9:03pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna We will see ...
Like· Reply · March 8 at 9:03pm
Marcial Bonifacio Even if he doesn't become president, what Gordon has done for the country until now far exceeds what Duterte has done or is likely to do before his term expires.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 9:08pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna Ok.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 9:09pm
Joe Bacero Marcial Bonifacio really?
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:19pm
Joe Bacero Look DICK Look - look at Durts -
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:25pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna Joe Bacero
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:28pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna Mas magaling naman si Gordon kaysa kay Digz Joe ..that's TRUE
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:29pm
Joe Bacero yes - its true...
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:30pm
Joe Bacero no snatchers no pickpocketers in subic when he was a mayor...
Like · Reply · March 8 at 10:31pm
Joe Bacero and most of all NO death squad
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:32pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:32pm
Joe Bacero ano tawag dun kung meron... SDS naman
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:32pm
Joe Bacero if he run for president on 2022 - i will not vote for him...
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:33pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna Who??? Gordon? Why?
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:39pm
Joe Bacero i mean if gordon run for president.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:40pm
Sandra Joson-Acuna Ok Why not Joe?
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:57pm
Marcial Bonifacio I'm also interested in knowing Joe Bacero's reason for not voting for Gordon after he just praised him.
Like· Reply · March 10 at 3:22am
Marcial Bonifacio Nga pala, magandang punto tungkol sa Olongapo and Subic Bay having low crime rates without a death squad under Mayor Gordon.
Like· Reply · March 10 at 3:27am
Comments from the group: WHAT THE FILIPINOS NEED TO KNOW - Politics, News & other Relevant Issues.
Alwyn Balingit They are on the same page on many things, and they are both excellent administrators who can bring their experience of running a city onto running a country
Like· Reply · March 7 at 9:51pm
Marcial Bonifacio Talaga, Alwyn? Name one policy in which they agree. I have pointed out several in which they are in direct opposition. Tungkol sa gobyerno ng ating bayan, alam mo ng mga accomplishments ni Gordon. Gayunman, Duterte's only national impact has been in the drug war. Even then, as I pointed out sa paliwanag ko, that has little effect on poverty, unemployment, or development.
Also, the future of our country seems bleak when the President cannot even protect our sovereignty sa Panatag Shoal. Sa kabilang banda, he has sold it for China's money. That was one of the key issues I pointed out, wherein Gordon and Duterte disagree.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 7:50pm · Edited
Alwyn Balingit I cannot list and paste everything here, but you can scour the Richard Gordon FB Page, all posts that are supportive of Duterte. And yeah, while they have things that they agree on, there are also things they disagree about, for example, yung pag-away noon ni Duterte kay Obama.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 8:44pm
Marcial Bonifacio Please post the link sa Gordon's FB page here, para I can check it. Tungkol kay Obama, that is probably the one thing wherein I disagree with Gordon sa kasamaang-palad. Are you referring to Chicago, Alwyn?
Like· Reply · March 8 at 9:52pm
Alwyn Balingit https://www.facebook.com/senatorgordon/
Dick Gordon
Government Official · 600,634 Likes
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:10pm
Alwyn Balingit Too many to paste here, click on their photos section na lang ang check the ones with paragraphs like the one below. Again, most of the time in favor of PRRD, and at times disagreeing.
· Reply · March 8 at 10:15pm · Edited
AlwynBalingit https://www.facebook.com/senatorgordon/photos/a.261832317830.144280.225987507830/10154263316767831/?type=3&theater
Dick Gordon with Rodrigo Duterte 16th President and 28 others.
To those who wish to bring the President down, a word of caution, just because you say it, it doesnt mean it's the truth.
You need evidence. It must be proven. Proof is not spoken, it is shown.
To the President, I say once again, loose lips sink ships. Make your actions speak louder than your words.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 10:15pm
Marcial Bonifacio Salamat, kaibigan ko, para sa mga links. While Gordon may appear supportive of Duterte, meron mga ambiguities. Halimbawa, when Gordon says, "If we want our country to succeed, we need our president to succeed," he is making a general statement that the president and the other branches of government need to work coherently. It is Gordon's way of trying to unify the people behind Duterte in so far as everything he does is lawful and constitutional.
Like· Reply · March 11 at 2:51pm
Marcial Bonifacio Gayunman, sa specific, major policies, I have listed several quotes from Gordon indicating clear opposition to Duterte. Halimbawa, sa China, Duterte coddles them, nguni't sabi ni Gordon RP should fight them.
Sa Amerika, Duterte constantly reiterates the Bud Dajo Massacre, which happened more than a century ago, before Obama was born. That means anti-Amerika siya. Gordon has only blamed Obama specifically, but he has openly embraced America's alliance, even since he was Olongapo mayor.Sa Panatag Shoal, Duterte appears disinterested. Gordon wants RP to assert its legal claim ayon sa ruling ng international tribunal. He even goes as far as stating that not asserting RP's claim could be an impeachable offense.Anong palagay mo, kaibigang Alwyn?
Like· Reply · March 11 at 4:07pm · Edited
Alwyn Balingit Yup, basically Gordon is supportive of Duterte while at the same time maintain his stand with the usual objective Gordon stance. It's healthy.
Like· Reply · March 11 at 6:54pm
More Comments :
Emma Morgan I rather to see Gordon as a president, he is true to his job, never get involved with any corruption, killing etc. This is the person should lead the country not someone who's been involved with massacre.
Like· Reply · March 7 at 11:57pm
Gilbert Menchu Its much better if Gordon is President.He knows better what our peoples need.They need descent job and money if we want our people lives a better life they need a better job.Other things changed automatically.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 6:45pm · Edited
Perci Lozano Piña No. Gordon is the only Dick that WE LOVE.
Like· Reply · March 7 at 6:49pm
Jeffry Dy Very long analysis and well yeah different styles,different leaderships and oh boy at times pres.is pro China which is something Both us and phl leaders need to talk bout since they support one another although i disagree w the vulgar rant there. Sometimes it has to and he understands the frustrations of everyone around us thristy for a real Change something no ordinary leader has done.So yeah great points and excellent view
Like· Reply · March 7 at 7:24pm · Edited
Jeffry Dy Also on the ejk part on digong its all pure exagerration and all bs when did the media ever find any figures on 7,000 plus when in our normal lives everybody does the crime everyday and that's a fact.
My estimates on the so called ejk is massively lower than that and this whole sherade on him a dictator and all that is plain wooey.If hes ever like that would u think for once social media or all the modern things u need are still exist??Think bout that even hypocrites are ranting it out on digong too I call it smarks for all i care.
I can smell the party of digong resign right bout now hypocrites want him that.
Like· Reply · March 7 at 7:40pm · Edited
Dodong Aberca He used his DICK wisely by the way.
Like· Reply · March 7 at 8:18pm
Doray Ramon Inayinay Di nagpapagamit si Dick! Tatayo yan pG kailangan
Like· · Reply · March 7 at 8:55pm
Marcial Bonifacio Salamat, Jeffry. Actually, I did not plan for my commentary to be this long. However, as new developments occurred, I had to update it. Anyway, I do appreciate Duterte's aggressiveness and political will, but I think he should direct them against China and the NPA. Those are the real threats to RP, since they undermine our sovereignty and ability to govern pursuant to democratic ideals.
Of course 7,000 killings is only an approximation of the total number of victims of the drug war. The conventional estimate of police killings is about half, while the other half is likely due to vigilantes and other drug-related criminals. However, don't you think that if Gordon were president, that number would be drastically reduced?
Like· Reply · March 7 at 9:23pm
Jeffry DyOkay lang po iyan mqrcial as long as you have the say may kalayaan naman tayo diba?
Like· Reply · March 7 at 10:23pm
Hill de RobertsThe real threat to the nation is the LP and its dangerous members from top to bottom
Like· Reply · March 8 at 12:45am · Edited
Marcial Bonifacio Perhaps, Hill, but there is a political remedy to deal with LP. The violent nature of the NPA and imperialism of China can only be remedied by force, not appeasement as is Duterte's way. Indeed, If he used the same fervor as he does with the drug lords, China would think twice before infringing on our sovereignty. Recall that even you started an FB group promoting the boycott of Chinese products kanina, hindi ba?
Like· Reply · March 8 at 2:27pm · Edited
Carlos Jalijali Guanlao Si Dick kusa yang tumatayo kapag kailangan!
Like· Reply · March 7 at 11:38pm
Oscar Saddul NEVER.... IDICK IS A DICK IS A DICK & NO ONE ELSE, I believe so !
Like· Reply · March 8 at 9:30am
Melchor Salonga Well he is a Dick but with cursing
Dick and Duterte are similar in the sense they have a no-nonsense approach in getting things done, abrasive and tell it like it is attitude and can back up their bravado (i.e. Davao, Subic).
Dick is just more articulate in the manner he answers IMO since he can get his message through without necessarily blurting out curse words.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 2:48pm
Marcial Bonifacio I definitely agree that both are forthright, abrasive, and perhaps, no-nonsense in their approach. However, their differences are not confined exclusively to their oratory, but extends to their policies as well. For example, they are in direct opposition on American foreign policy, death penalty, and Panatag Shoal, Melchor.
Like· Reply · March 8 at 9:22pm
Like· Reply · March 8 at 8:14pm
Sari Aya Malaya Certainly, Digong is no Dick and will never be. Sen. Dick Gordon is Pro-Life, Pro-Peace and Pro-Constitution. Digong is the exact opposite. Kudos to the PR and marketing geniuses who made and repackaged him during the time when Davao was an experimental area of the left. They made him look and sound "cool" especially to the business sector and from then on he made history. But they should had known any better. They may had put Davao on the business map but on one end, created a Frankenstein called Duterte. Frankenstein in contemporary debates on bioethics provided lessons which are seemingly clear: don’t play God, don’t over-reach, don’t unleash uncontrollable forces, don’t treat humans as material, don’t act alone. Such a fitting metaphor for an empowered, unfeeling man who decides on the life and death of his so called "masters", the ordinary citizenry over allegations of illegal drug use. He put too much attention to the war on drugs and criminality, but where are the big fishes? What about our war on poverty? Our security from external threats? We need real and tangible government policies that will help us in our day to day struggle for survival.
Like· Reply · March 15 at 3:02am · Edited
Marcial Bonifacio Frankenstein, indeed? Hahaha! That's the first time I've heard anyone refer to Duterte as such, Sari. However, using your analogy, I don't think his supporters see him as a monster. On the contrary, they see him as ridding RP of monsters (drug lords and drug addicts), although there are mass casualties as well, which Duterte's undiplomatic rhetoric masks.
I don't think he expended much effort or money in his presidential campaign. Instead, I think he acted naturally, which is what caused much of what Gordon called "noise" and gained him so much media coverage. He basically capitalized on the people's frustration with traditional politicians, spoke his mind unencumbered, and many of our kababayans took solace in him as a "different" type of public servant, much like Donald Trump in America.
I infer that Duterte's assertiveness on the drug-related criminals, his unrefined oratory, and his perception as a non-traditional politician are what mesmerize his supporters, even to the point that they are so distracted from other issues of significance as you pointed out. Unfortunately, many of the people who voted for Gordon in the 2010 presidential election paradoxically voted for Duterte last year. I view that as our country transitioning from progress to regression.
Like· Reply · March 14 at 3:10pm · Edited
Sari Aya MalayaHis supporters are bunch of hypocrites. They see the truth, know the truth but still choose to believe the lies his strategies have deeply embedded in their systems. Duterte is a masterful tactician and strategist. His Opening Strategy. Remember how everyone was in suspense until he delivered his coup de grace? His middlegame Strategy. How he uses his weakness as his strength, his cursing and the deliberate showcase of his rough edges. And his Endgame Strategy, the very popular "you can oust me if I abuse power".
Two things though, first, our nation is teeming with patsies, he capitalizes on their vulnerabilities, thirst for change and ignorance. Second, our nation losts its moral ascendancy. He is destroying the moral fabric of this nation and making us rise against each other. He broadened the gap of division and misunderstanding among Filipinos than bridging it. Worse is, most Filipinos consented on it, in fact, applauded it.
They have not realized that this is all about "brand-is-crisis’ strategy, the political landscape are made to keep shifting, ever changing. The powers of the State apparatus are made to be trained at moving, unstable targets, for the President to be the first to call it a crisis, then he becomes a hero, instantly seen to be part of the solution itself. This strategy is traditionally effective in keeping leaders in power. Crisis branding is supply-driven rhetoric. Now, for instance, it's focused on illegal drugs then illegal gambling - then his political imagination would be limitless.
They keep on saying they are the majority but the truth is that they are just loud. Noise is essential and is used for the purpose of deflecting attention to an imagined hot button issue while the proponent quietly works upon another.
Crisis branding can be an effective political campaign strategy because it draws power from frightening people, but it has no place in day-to-day governance. What we need today is to maintain respect, implement policies that ooze with common sense, and take a long-term orientation in regional stability and cooperation.
Like· Reply ·March 17 at 5:03pm · Edited
Marcial BonifacioExcellent points, Sari! Another name for what you described is the "politics of fear." I just watched Duterte speak at the First General Assembly of League of Municipalities. He had a 2-minute speech already prepared, but discarded it and decided to speak for more than an hour about killing drug lords again. He even displayed another list of drug-related criminals.
I noticed a few people in his audience were dozing off. Perhaps they were bored or intoxicated themselves in preparation for Duterte's usual speech.
When he said he does not think of himself as a president, but as a mayor, I thought that is precisely his problem. He is using his limited, parochial perspective for a post that requires a broader, national perspective. For a city and a mayor, perhaps the drug epidemic was a necessary focal point, but the country as a whole has other, more urgent concerns as poverty, unemployment, and the specter of China's intrusion on our sovereignty.
Like· Reply ·March 14 at 6:27pm
Doray Ramon Inayinay Simple lang yan. Ang mga Hindi adik nakakatulog Na ng mahimbjng sa Gabi. Sorry Na lang sa mga kapitalistang di nakakapang gago ng ordinaryong pinoy.
Like· Reply · March 14 at 6:33pm
Evangeline Mejia sa lahat ng analysis nyo kay duterte at sa problema ng kung ano anong salot na nangyayari sa bansang Pilipinas, mayroon bang pangulo o kung sino man sa taga panguna natin na nagbigay ng kalutasan ? WALA PA, at ngayon na merong pangulo na kahit papaano may ginagawa pra kahit papaano ay malutas o papunta sa kalutasan ay kung ano anong analogy o katawagan ang ibinabansag sa kanya, pati mga supporters nya ay kung ano anong masasamang tawag ang inila-label nyo sa kanila, magaling lang kayong mag-analysis at magsalita ng English pero wala din naman kayong ginagawa pra sa bansa, for all you know itong Sari na ito ay hindi naman Pilipino pero parang alam na alam ang kalagayan ng Pilipinas pero hindi naman, baka naman in your perspective lang Sari ang tingin mo sa lahat...baka ikaw ang hypocrite kasi ang galing mong magbigay ng pagsusuri sa iisang side, hay naku, panay na lang kayo analysis ...ano kaya ang maitutulong nyo sa PILIPINAS?
Like· Reply · March 14 at 7:40pm · Edited
Sari Aya Malaya Mawalang galang na po, Ginang Mejia, pinoy na pinoy po ako. Wala po akong ni isang patak na dugong banyaga. Tubong Batangas at Bulacan po ako. Nakapangibambansa man po ako ng ilang beses, di ko iwinaglit ni minsan ang pagka Pilipino ko. Magaling lang po talaga siguro akong magmasid at kumilatis ng kabalintunaan at kasinungalingan. Gising po ang diwa at mulat ang mga mata ko sa bawat hinaing, paglibak at pagkabigo ng ating mga kababayan. Araw araw po akong nakikipagsiksikan sa MRT, lumalanghap ng maitim na usok ng EDSA at nagpapakasaya sa isang tuhog ng kwek kwek sa paanan ng tulay ng Boni. Isa po akong buhay na saksi sa bawat pagbabagong nagaganap sa bayan natin. Isa po akong payak na manggagawa, na halos kalahati ng kita ko ay kinaltas para sa buwis. Aba, malaking halaga na rin po yun dahil labingwalong taong gulang pa lang ako nang maging kapakipakinabang na akong mamamayan. Lumalaban po ako nang parehas at hindi po ako nanlalamang ng kapwa. Hindi man po ako nabigyan ng pagkakataong maglingkod sa bayan gaya ni Duterte, ang maliliit na ambag kong tulong sa sambayanan ay malayo-layo na rin ang narating. Hangad ko lang pong gisingin ang diwa ng mga kababayan kong tila himbing pa sa uyayi ng mga mapagbalatkayong ugoy ng pagsasamantala. Turuan silang maging mapanuri. Kilalanin ang totoong naglilingkod sa bayan, gawing huwaran si Sen. Gordon at magsilbing pamantayan ng isang magaling na namumuno.
Like· Reply · March 14 at 9:55pm
Marcial Bonifacio I appreciate and understand your perspective, Evangeline, kaibigan ko, and I have been observing Duterte for eight months now. If, as you say, Gordon is not perfect, then Duterte falls far below mediocrity.
Please understand that I am only being objective in comparing the two public servants based on their policy positions and even according to Gordon's own criticism of Duterte. Therefore, my premise that they would both govern very differently and even in opposition to each other, is factually based.
For example, I have pointed out numerously that Duterte's neglect of defending Panatag Shoal violates the sovereignty clause of the Constitution, and is an impeachable offense. Even Gordon acknowledges that as should my esteemed colleagues of law, Atty Taipan Millan, Jose Camano, Gretchen Mae Ortega, Alexander Yalung, and Lester Nazarene Ople. This is the most important issue for me, since one of the primary functions of government is to protect the sovereignty of its territory.
If the President fails to perform such a fundamental function, then anything else he does is in vain. It is analogous to having all the prosperity in the world, except you are someone's servant. It appears that is precisely the position that Duterte has put the Philippines in with China.
Gordon, on the other hand, would never let that happen as president. He has even said that RP would have to engage in war over Panatag Shoal in order to assert its rights. Why would any of our kababayans support Duterte's position over Gordon's? This is a sincere question, kaibigan ko.
Like· Reply · March 18 at 5:36pm · Edited
Marcial Bonifacio Also, I did give Duterte credit for "persuading" more than 700,000 drug-related criminals to surrender. However, I also mentioned that drug abuse is about 4.74%, which is below the global average of 5%, while the poverty rate is about 25%. As a simple man, I can't help but wonder why Duterte has prioritized drug addiction over job creation. Does that seem logical to you? Do you really think Gordon would do the same as president? This is another sincere question, kaibigang Evangeline.
Like· Reply · March 16 at 5:56pm
Philip Basilio Marcial Bonifacio Senator Gordon is much deferent I work with him when he is the mayor of olongapo
Like· Reply · March 16 at 6:06pm
Evangeline Mejia kaibigang marcial,I agree and I must say that Gordon would indeed govern differently if not better, pero kasi hindi siya ang presidente ngayon kya sana tumakbo siya sa susunod at alam ko na ang mga pinoy, including me ,ay susuportahan siya...
Like· Reply · March 16 at 7:22pm
Evangeline Mejia Sari Aya Malaya , ganun din naman ako SAri , pero nga kasi, walang maitutulong sa bansa natin ang mga negatibong batikos, lalo na pag ang mga supporters nya ang pinagsabihan mo ng masakit na salita, it would only create division,katulad mo din sila na umaasa ng pagbabago, sabihin mo man na nagbubulagbulagan which I think not (,hindi ako supporter nya, I didn't vote for him), pero I think with all the crime and corruption in the country, we become an evil nation, so to speak kaya we deserve such president, we can only give him the chance to do whatever it takes to propel the country in a better state ...
Like· Reply · March 16 at 7:31pm
Sari Aya Malaya I admire your patriotism, Evangeline. We may not see eye to eye with Duterte but we, undeniably, agree to support Sen. Gordon as he endeavors to take the country back to every Filipino, from the system or economy that has been rigged to the advantage of the rich and powerful. We need his strong leadership to unify the country, to take the country to where it's supposed to be.
Filipino people, per se, are not divided. Diversity in religion, political beliefs and other practices are the freedoms we enjoy under a vibrant democracy. It is our leaders and policy makers who are divided and can't put their acts together for selfish reasons at the expense of the people they had promised to serve. And Sen. Gordon will change such political landscape and behavior.
Like· Reply ·March 16 at 10:25pm
Rabulan Corpuz Well said and factual kaibigan. Saludo ako sayo. Dios Mabalos and Mabuhay!
Like· Reply · March 14 at 3:50pm
Marcial Bonifacio Salamat po, kaibigang Jocelle! I spent a great deal of time with research and fact-finding for this commentary. I even wrote it in English for my Bisayan friends and colleagues. My goal is to unify the Gordon supporters, some of which oppose Duterte and the others which ironically support Duterte. After all, if we can't unite just the Gordon supporters, how can we unite the entire country?
Like· Reply · March 14 at 6:46pm · Edited
Jocelle Rabulan Corpuz Thank you. As for me my respect is always for Gordon.
Like· Reply · March 14 at 7:31pm
Marcial Bonifacio This was all my research and fact-finding material.
Like· Reply · March 14 at 6:52pm
Jocelle Rabulan Corpuz Wow
Like· Reply · March 14 at 7:34pm
Evangeline Mejia kaibigang marcial, hindi ka nakatira sa Pilipinas at laong hindi sa Olongapo, ibang iba angnlarawan ng Pilipinas pagdating sa ibang bansa kaya mahirap mag analysis ...ang tanong, ano ba ang nagagawa ng mga katulad nyo para malutas ang problema sa bansa...
.both Gordon and Duterte are good leaders in their own right, taga gapo ako at alam ko ang pamamalakad ng mga Gordon doon,, maganda rin pero hiondi rin perfecto...si Duterte ngsisiskap lutasin ang mga problema sa bansa...I know, Gordon will be a good president and if he will run, uuwi ako pra bomoto at iboboto ko siya, but for now, l just want to give Duterte the benefit of the doubt...wala naman maitutulong ang mga batikos sa kanya at sa mga supporters nya...di makikinabang ang bansa kung tawagin siyang monster at tawagin din hypocrite ang mga supporters nya....
Like· Reply · March 14 at 7:49pm
Marcial Bonifacio I wonder if Alejano and Trillanes got their idea of impeaching Duterte from my commentary.
Alejano says impeach complaint vs. Duterte stays
Magdalo Party list Rep. Gary Alejano said Vice President…
Like· Reply · March 26 at 1:27pm
Evangeline Mejia kaibigang marcial,alejano is just a "kaning sundalo" like trillanes, he doesn't love the country, pretends for his own sake....
Like· Reply · April 10 at 7:06pm · Edited
Marcial Bonifacio Marahil tama ka, kaibigang Evangeline, nguni't hindi ko alam what is in his heart. I only know that his impeachment complaint has merit. Even Justice Carpio has warned that Duterte may be in violation of the sovereignty clause of the Constitution.
Like· Reply · April 16 at 4:39pm
Marcial Bonifacio I've decided to insert the following quote into my commentary, Alwyn, directly after Duterte's single remedy of killing drug-related criminals and Gordon's numerous remedies.
Like· Reply · March 26 at 1:51pm · Edited
Marcial Bonifacio My friends, here is another contrast between Duterte and Gordon---the issue of giving away the housing units to the squatters. Gordon has expressed his disapproval thus:
“My God. Kinukuha yung bahay na ginawa ng NHA [National Housing Authority]. Ibibigay mo dun sa mga nanggugulo. Bad signal, Mr. President. Again you are falling on your own sword. Nadadapa ka sa sarili mong espada because pagka-ganyan, that’s a ticket to what you call anarchy."
What say you, Jeffry and Alwyn?
Gordon: Letting Kadamay keep houses 'ticket to anarchy'
Sen. Richard Gordon disagreed on Wednesday with…
Like· Reply ·April 9 at 1:53pm
Alwyn Balingit Already posted my comment about this on my wall days ago... Granted dapat talagang paalisin ang mga squatters, moving forward, wala na kasing red tape sa pagbigay ng mga bahay para di sila maunahan ng mga squatters; dapat preventive, may bantay.
Expect Digong to always err on the side of letting squatters live there; or at least, transfer them first to another place before removing them there. Yan ang stance nya kasi even sa mga Pre-Election interviews.
Like· Reply · April 9 at 4:58pm
Jeffry Dy Nice argument Marcial,if what u say is the alternative to what kadamay been bitchin and monin about then it's all fare and equal no matter what the bias media says if Duterte or his cabinet have any brains on this matter then all is fare what not?
Like · Reply · April 9 at 10:52pm
Evangeline Mejia kasi naman laging ang mahihirap ang nahuhuli sa kahit ano mang social benefit mula sa gobyerno. maging dyan sa NHA kaya they resort to this, madala kasi yang mga nasa gobyerno ginagamit ang "legal" para apihin ang mahihirap...hay naku, you really have to be living in the Philippines to really know.....
Like· Reply · April 10 at 7:12pm
Marcial Bonifacio I have no problem with the process being swift, kaibigang Alwyn, nguni't the rule of law should not be compromised. Once that line is crossed, that slippery slope can and will be used as a justification for any lawless behavior by any president.
It would also encourage more people with illegitimate grievances to emulate the Kadamay in their pantawid mentality. At least, Duterte could have imposed mandatory community service for those squatters in order that their housing will actually be earned instead of stolen from those who risk their lives to keep us safe.Sa totoo lang, such measures have been implemented in the US before Obama and even in some European countries, which have experienced lower unemployment as a result.
Like· Reply · April 16 at 5:18pm · Edited
Marcial Bonifacio Marahil totoo ito, kaibigang Evangeline, nguni't abusing the legal system in one way should not justify abusing it in another way. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is still robbery, regardless of the good intentions. Even Gordon was critical of Duterte for this. Surely he knows better than Duterte.
Like · Reply · April 16 at 5:56pm
Axel Dholly mas matalino si Dick kay digong. ,,,,naging Pres. nga lang si Pdut.
Like· Reply · April 9 at 2:00pm
Carolina Baro Balmaceda Lol! Ikaw talaga, Marcial!
Like· Reply · April 10 at 1:37pm
Marcial Bonifacio Well since Gordon is among my top 10 role models, next to Dr. Jose Rizal, Apolinario Mabini, and Thomas Jefferson, I'll gladly accept that as a compliment, kaibigang Carolina.
Like· Reply · April 16 at 6:01pm